Article 2.

Tribal Law Enforcement Authority.

§ 1E-10.  Tribal law enforcement.

(a) Except for the sections listed in subsection (b) of this section, Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes is applicable to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

(b) The following provisions of Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes shall not apply to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians:

(1) G.S. 160A-283.

(2) G.S. 160A-286.

(3) G.S. 160A-287.

(4) G.S. 160A-289.1. (2015-287, s. 1.)


§ 1E-11.  Application and meaning of terms.

For purposes of the application of the applicable provisions of Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes, the following terms contained in Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes shall be construed as follows:

(1) City. - To mean the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

(2) Council or governing body. - To mean the Tribal Council of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

(3) City clerk. - To mean the clerk of the Tribal Council of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians.

(4) Corporate limits of the city. - To mean the boundaries of the trust lands of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians wherever located within the State of North Carolina.

(5) Law enforcement agency or local law enforcement agency. - To include the Cherokee Police Department, the Cherokee Marshals Service, the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, and the Natural Resources Enforcement Agency of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. (2015-287, s. 1.)


§ 1E-12.  Qualification of law enforcement officers; limitations of authority.

(a) For purposes of this section, "law enforcement officer" means any person appointed or employed as (i) Chief of Police of the Cherokee Police Department, Chief of the Cherokee Marshals Service, Chief of the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, or Chief of the Natural Resources Enforcement Agency of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians or (ii) a police officer, auxiliary police officer, marshal, alcohol law enforcement agent, reserve alcohol law enforcement agent, or resources officer with the Cherokee Police Department, the Cherokee Marshals Service, the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, or the Natural Resources Enforcement Agency of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians.

(b) A law enforcement officer shall, prior to the exercise of the officer's authority pursuant to Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes, comply with the provisions of Article 1 of Chapter 17C of the General Statutes and any rules or regulations adopted pursuant to the authority of Article 1 of Chapter 17C of the General Statutes. The courts of this State shall have the jurisdiction pursuant to G.S. 17C-11 to enjoin the Cherokee Police Department, the Cherokee Marshals Service, the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Natural Resources Enforcement Agency of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, or any law enforcement officer or agent employed or appointed by the department, agency, or division from exercising any or all of the authority under color of State law conferred by Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes if any law enforcement officer or agent of the department, agency, or division fails to meet the required standards established pursuant to Article 1 of Chapter 17C of the General Statutes.

(c) The jurisdiction of a law enforcement officer shall be (i) on all property owned by or leased to the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians located within the trust lands of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians and (ii) during the immediate and continuous flight of an offender in accordance with G.S. 15A-402(d).

(d) Service as a law enforcement officer shall constitute service as (i) a "criminal justice officer" as defined in G.S. 17C-2(c) and (ii) a "law enforcement officer" for purposes of Article 12E of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. For purposes of Article 12E of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, the term "employer," as defined in G.S. 143-166.50, shall be construed to include the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians with respect to law enforcement officers.

(e) A law enforcement officer may be enjoined from exercising his authority under color of State law pursuant to Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes for the reasons set forth in G.S. 128-16 and pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 of Chapter 128 of the General Statutes.

(f) Nothing contained in this Chapter or in Article 13 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes shall be construed as doing any of the following:

(1) Limiting or revoking the authority of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Cherokee Police Department, the Cherokee Marshals Service, the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, the Natural Resources Enforcement Agency of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, or any law enforcement officers or other persons appointed or employed by those entities, in the exercise of their inherent powers of self-government, or exercise of authority conferred by federal law, regulation, or common law.

(2) Modifying, either by way of enlargement or limitation, the jurisdiction of the Cherokee Tribal Courts.

(3) Waiving any sovereign immunity that may otherwise apply.

(g) Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed as modifying, either by way of enlargement or limitation, the jurisdiction or authority of any federal, State, or local law enforcement agency, governmental entity, or any of their officers or employees, except the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, the Cherokee Police Department, the Cherokee Marshals Service, the Tribal Alcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, the Natural Resources Enforcement Agency of the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians, and their law enforcement officers, agents, and employees to the extent set forth in this Chapter. (2015-287, s. 1; 2018-5, s. 17.1(a).)


§ 1E-13: Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 1E-14: Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 1E-15: Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 1E-16: Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 1E-17: Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 1E-18: Reserved for future codification purposes.


§ 1E-19: Reserved for future codification purposes.