Article 43F.

Immunity for Damage to Vehicle.

ยง 1-539.27.  Immunity from civil liability for damage to railroad car, motor vehicle, trailer, aircraft, boat, or other watercraft necessary for assistance.

Any person who enters or attempts to enter any railroad car, motor vehicle, trailer, aircraft, boat, or other watercraft of any kind shall not be liable in civil damages for any damage to the railroad car, motor vehicle, trailer, aircraft, boat, or other watercraft of any kind if one or more of the following circumstances exist:

(1) The person acts in good faith to access a person inside the railroad car, motor vehicle, trailer, aircraft, boat, or watercraft of any kind in order to provide first aid or emergency health care treatment or because the person inside is, or is in imminent danger of becoming unconscious, ill, or injured.

(2) It is reasonably apparent that the circumstances require prompt decisions and actions in medical care, other health care, or other assistance.

(3) The necessity of immediate health care treatment or removal of the person from the railroad car, motor vehicle, trailer, aircraft, boat, or other watercraft of any kind is so reasonably apparent that any delay in the rendering of treatment or removal would seriously worsen the physical condition or endanger the life of the person.

This section shall not apply to any acts of gross negligence, wanton conduct, or intentional wrongdoing. (2015-286, s. 3.4(a).)