Article 80A.

(Effective July 1, 2025) Prescribed Burning Cost Share Program.

§ 106-977.  (Effective July 1, 2025) Prescribed Burning Cost Share Program.

(a) Program Established. - There is established the Prescribed Burning Cost Share Program. The Program shall be implemented and supervised by the North Carolina Forest Service of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

(b) Purposes. - The purpose of the Program shall be to support prescribed burns on privately owned forestlands that will maximize the benefits set forth in Article 80 of this Chapter. The program shall be subject to the following requirements and limitations:

(1) The prescribed burning project shall comply with the requirements of Article 80 of this Chapter, as determined by the Forest Service.

(2) The Forest Service shall establish and administer prescribed burning practices and prevailing rates per acre utilized by the Program. Reimbursement rates shall be set by the Board of Agriculture by rule, in consultation with the Forest Service, but the maximum allowable cost share reimbursement to participating landowners is seventy-five percent (75%) based on program rate per acre caps.

(c) Availability of Funds. - State funds for the Program shall remain available until expended.

(d) Administrative Costs. - In any State fiscal year, the Forest Service may use up to five percent (5%) of program appropriations for program administration and support. Program appropriations may also be utilized for position and operating expenses associated with one Forest Service Prescribed Burning Coordinator full-time employee position. The duties of this position shall include Prescribed Burning Program outreach, quality control assistance, and coordination of burning partners statewide.

(e) Report. - The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall report on its implementation of this section no later than January 15 of each even-numbered year to the chairs of the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources and the Fiscal Research Division.  (2024-32, s. 8(b).)