ยง 122C-290.  Duties for follow-up on commitment order.

(a) The area facility or physician responsible for management and supervision of the respondent's commitment and treatment may prescribe or administer to the respondent reasonable and appropriate treatment either on an outpatient basis or in a 24-hour facility.

(b) If the respondent whose treatment is provided on an outpatient basis fails to comply with all or part of the prescribed treatment after reasonable effort to solicit the respondent's compliance or whose treatment is provided on an inpatient basis is discharged in accordance with G.S. 122C-205.1(b), the area facility or physician may request the clerk or magistrate to order the respondent taken into custody for the purpose of examination. Upon receipt of this request, the clerk or magistrate shall issue an order to a law enforcement officer to take the respondent into custody and to take him immediately to the designated area facility or physician for examination. The custody order is valid throughout the State. The law enforcement officer shall turn the respondent over to the custody of the physician or area facility who shall conduct the examination and release the respondent or have the respondent taken to a 24-hour facility upon a determination that treatment in the facility will benefit the respondent. Transportation to the 24-hour facility shall be provided as specified in G.S. 122C-251, upon notice to the clerk or magistrate that transportation is necessary, or as provided in G.S. 122C-408(b). If placement in a 24-hour facility is to exceed 45 consecutive days, the area facility or physician shall notify the clerk of court by the 30th day and request a supplemental hearing as specified in G.S. 122C-291.

(c) If the respondent intends to move or moves to another county within the State, the area facility or physician shall notify the clerk of court in the county where the commitment is being supervised and request that a supplemental hearing be calendared.

(d) If the respondent moves to another state or to an unknown location, the designated area facility or physician shall notify the clerk of superior court of the county where the commitment is supervised and the commitment shall be terminated. (1983, c. 638, s. 16; c. 864, s. 4; 1985, c. 589, s. 2; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 863, s. 32; 1987, c. 674, s. 2; c. 750; 2004-23, s. 2(c); 2018-33, s. 39.)