ยง 130A-131.9G. Resident responsibilities.
In any residential housing unit occupied by a child less than six years of age or a pregnant woman who has an elevated blood lead level of five micrograms per deciliter or greater, the Department shall advise, in writing, the owner or managing agent and the pregnant woman or the child's parents or legal guardian of the importance of carrying out routine cleaning activities in the units they occupy, own, or manage. The cleaning activities shall include all of the following:
(1) Wiping clean all windowsills with a damp cloth or sponge at least weekly.
(2) Regularly washing all surfaces accessible to children.
(3) In the case of a leased residential housing unit, identifying any deteriorated paint in the unit and notifying the owner or managing agent of the conditions within 72 hours of discovery.
(4) Identifying and understanding potential lead poisoning hazards in the environment of each child less than six years of age and each pregnant woman in the unit (including toys, vinyl miniblinds, playground equipment, drinking water, soil, and painted surfaces), and taking steps to prevent children and pregnant women from ingesting lead such as encouraging children and pregnant women to wash their faces and hands frequently and especially after playing outdoors. (1997-443, s. 15.30(b); 2003-150, s. 7; 2017-57, s. 11E.6(e).)