ยง 136-186.  Use of credit reserve; Advance Right-of-Way Acquisition Account.

(a) Definitions. - For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) Credit reserve in the Highway Trust Fund. - Consists of all of the following:

a. The unreserved credit balance in the Highway Trust Fund on the last day of the fiscal year to the extent the balances exceed the amount estimated for that date in the Current Operations Appropriations Act for the following fiscal year.

b. The unencumbered and unexpended balances on the last day of the fiscal year for the Central and program administration.

c. The remaining balance for (i) any open project that has been inactive for two or more years after construction of the project has been completed or (ii) any project that is not obligated during the first two fiscal years in which funds are appropriated.

(2) Protective purchase. - Occurs when there is an imminent threat of development of property located within a planned transportation project area established by the Department and the development could affect the Department's ability to construct the project by significantly increasing future right-of-way costs, relocations, and disruption of persons and businesses in the planned transportation project area.

(3) Undue hardship. - Occurs when a planned transportation project area established by the Department causes a property owner remaining on a property located within the planned transportation project area to experience a hardship based on health, safety, or financial reasons beyond what is experienced by other property owners within the planned transportation project area and the property owner is unable to sell the property at fair market value within a time period that is typical for properties not impacted by the planned project.

(b) Establishment of Account. - There is established within the Highway Trust Fund an Advance Right-of-Way Acquisition Account. The Account shall be under the control and direction of the Department of Transportation. The Account shall consist of both of the following:

(1) The credit reserve in the Highway Trust Fund on the last day of the fiscal year to the extent the balance in the Account does not exceed twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000).

(2) Any State or federal funds appropriated, allocated, or otherwise transferred to the Account.

(c) Uses. - The funds in the Account shall be used only to advance funds to a project for the acquisition of right-of-way prior to the project being programmed in the State Transportation Improvement Program. Funds advanced pursuant to this subsection may be used for the cost of the right-of-way and any costs incurred in acquiring the right-of-way. Funds shall not be advanced to a project pursuant to this subsection unless the project meets all of the following requirements:

(1) The right-of-way must be identified as a future right-of-way in (i) a corridor protection map adopted pursuant to Article 2E of this Chapter, (ii) the most recently adopted State Transportation Improvement Program, or (iii) both a corridor protection map adopted pursuant to Article 2E of this Chapter and the most recently adopted State Transportation Improvement Program.

(2) The Department determines it is in the best interest of the public to acquire the right-of-way (i) as a protective purchase or (ii) to remove an undue hardship.

(3) For Turnpike projects only, a Record of Decision or a Finding of No Significant Impact must have been issued.

(d) Fees and Interest. - Except for Turnpike projects, the Department shall not charge fees or interest on funds advanced pursuant to subsection (c) of this section. For Turnpike projects, the Department shall condition the advancement of funds pursuant to subsection (c) of this section on the establishment of any security and the payment of any fees and interest rates the Department may deem necessary.

(e) Repayment. - Funds advanced pursuant to subsection (c) of this section, including any fees or interest, shall be repaid in the first year the project utilizing the acquired right-of-way is programmed for right-of-way in the State Transportation Improvement Program.

(f) Remaining Credit Reserve. - The Director of the Budget shall allocate any portion of the credit reserve in the Highway Trust Fund not used in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this section to the Strategic Transportation Investments fund in the Highway Trust Fund. The funds shall be used only to accelerate the completion of projects with sections included in the most recently adopted State Transportation Improvement Program. The use of the funds described in this subsection shall be subject to the requirements of Article 14B of this Chapter. To the extent the funds described in this subsection are not already appropriated, they are hereby appropriated to be used for the purpose set forth in this subsection. (2017-57, s. 34.6(a).)