ยง 143B-344.60. North Carolina Youth Outdoor Engagement Commission.
(a) The North Carolina Youth Outdoor Engagement Commission (hereinafter "Commission") is established within the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission for organizational and budgetary purposes only. The Commission shall exercise all of its statutory powers independent of control by the Executive Director of the Wildlife Resources Commission. The Commission shall (i) advise State agencies and the General Assembly on the promotion of outdoor recreational activities, including, but not limited to, hiking, horseback riding, boating, sport shooting and archery, bird watching and wildlife watching, camping, swimming, hunting, trapping, and fishing in order to preserve North Carolina's outdoor heritage for future generations and (ii) use grants and programming to promote the outdoor recreational activities described in this subsection.
(b) The Commission shall consist of 13 members, appointed as follows:
(1) Four members appointed by the General Assembly, upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
(2) Four members appointed by the General Assembly, upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(3) Three members appointed by the Governor.
(4) One member appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture.
(5) One member appointed by the chair of the Wildlife Resources Commission.
All members of the Commission shall have knowledge and experience in outdoor recreational activities and have a demonstrated interest in promoting outdoor heritage.
(c) The terms of the initial members of the Commission shall commence October 1, 2015. Of the Governor's initial appointments, one member shall be designated to serve a term of three years, one member shall be designated to serve a term of two years, and one member shall be designated to serve a term of one year. Of the initial appointments by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one member shall be designated to serve a term of three years, one member shall be designated to serve a term of two years, and one member shall be designated to serve a term of one year. Of the initial appointments by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one member shall be designated to serve a term of three years, one member shall be designated to serve a term of two years, and one member shall be designated to serve a term of one year. The members appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture and the chair of the Wildlife Resources Commission shall each serve an initial term of four years. After the initial appointees' terms have expired, all members shall be appointed for a term of four years.
Any appointment to fill a vacancy on the Commission created by the resignation, dismissal, death, or disability of a member shall be for the balance of the unexpired term.
(d) The initial chair of the Commission shall be designated by the Governor from the Commission members. Subsequent chairs shall be elected by the Commission for terms of two years.
(e) The Commission shall meet quarterly and at other times at the call of the chair. A majority of members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum.
(f) Commission members shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of their duties in accordance with G.S. 138-5 and G.S. 138-6, as applicable. The reimbursements authorized by this subsection may be provided from the North Carolina Youth Outdoor Engagement Fund.
(g) The Executive Director of the Wildlife Resources Commission shall provide clerical and other assistance as needed, including, but not limited to, office space, transportation support, and support for equipment and information technology needs of the Commission.
(h) The Commission shall be exempt from Article 3 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes but may use the services of the Department of Administration in procuring goods and services for the Commission. (2015-144, s. 2(a); 2016-94, s. 14A.1(a); 2018-5, s. 13A.1(a); 2019-177, s. 10; 2023-51, s. 1.)