Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for SB 582 - 2017-2018 Session

2017-2018 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
S582-EMMN-13(e1)-v-2 GSC Technical Corrections 2017. 04/24/2017
S582-EMMN-8(e1)-v-5 GSC Technical Corrections 2017. 04/24/2017
S582-SMMC-9(CCSML-3)-v-7 Budget & Agency Technical Corrections. 10/05/2017
S582-SMTG-44(e1)-v-3 GSC Technical Corrections 2017. 04/25/2017
S582-SMTT-127(sl)-v-2 000005 .000001 Sec. 5.1: Prison Industry Enhancement Program Benefits 11/20/2017
S582-SMTT-128(sl)-v-3 000005 .000002 Sec. 5.2: Duties of the District Attorney 11/20/2017
S582-SMTT-129(sl)-v-2 000005 .000003 Sec. 5.3: Driving While Impaired Misdemeanor Clarifications/Expert Testimony Revisions 11/20/2017
S582-SMTT-83(CSMN-2)-v-24 Agency Technical Corrections. 06/28/2017
S582-SMTT-89(e3)-v-6 Agency Technical Corrections. 06/29/2017