Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 126 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H126-SMBC-100(CSBC-57)-v-2 Amend Certificate of Need Laws. 06/26/2019
H126-SMBC-107(e2)-v-3 Amend Certificate of Need Laws. 07/02/2019
H126-SMBC-118(e3)-v-1 Amend Certificate of Need Laws. 07/16/2019
H126-SMBG-50(e1)-v-3 Organ & Tissue Donation/Heart Heroes. 04/02/2019
H126-SMBN-54(e1)-v-2 Organ & Tissue Donation/Heart Heroes. 04/11/2019
H126-SMBP-1(e1)-v-4 Organ & Tissue Donation/Heart Heroes. 03/05/2019
H126-SMLR-1(sl)-v-6 Pay Increases/State Highway Patrol. 01/30/2020