Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 205 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H205-SMBG-101(CSBG-43)-v-2 Veh. Property Dmg./Determining Amt. of Loss. 05/06/2019
H205-SMBG-43(CSBG-18)-v-5 Veh. Property Dmg./Determining Amt. of Loss. 03/26/2019
H205-SMBG-65(e3)-v-2 Veh. Property Dmg./Determining Amt. of Loss. 04/16/2019
H205-SMBQ-87(e3)-v-2 Veh. Property Dmg./Determining Amt. of Loss. 05/03/2019
H205-SMTG-25(e2)-v-2 Veh. Property Dmg./Determining Amt. of Loss. 04/11/2019