Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 425 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H425-SMBP-77(sl)-v-3 Implement Conner's Law. 11/09/2020
H425-SMBQ-35(CSBQ-10)-v-6 Increase and Expand Assault on/Resist of LEO. 04/03/2019
H425-SMBQ-63(e2)-v-3 Increase and Expand Assault on/Resist of LEO. 04/25/2019
H425-SMBQ-64(e3)-v-5 Increase and Expand Assault on/Resist of LEO. 04/26/2019
H425-SMML-50(CSMLap-27)-v-5 Implement Conner's Law. 06/17/2020