Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 432 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H432-SMBQ-111(e2)-v-2 Water/Sewer to Contiguous Dwelling Units. 06/18/2019
H432-SMBR-53(e2)-v-3 Water/Sewer to Contiguous Dwelling Units. 06/13/2019
H432-SMBR-76(sl)-v-2 Water/Sewer to Contiguous Dwelling Units. 01/17/2020
H432-SMRI-10(CSRI-4)-v-2 Water/Sewer to Contiguous Dwelling Units. 04/25/2019
H432-SMRI-13(e2)-v-2 Water/Sewer to Contiguous Dwelling Units. 04/25/2019