Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 495 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H495-SMBD-44(CSBD-12)-v-2 Prohibit Municipal Regs/Offsite Easements. 04/10/2019
H495-SMBH-40(e2)-v-2 Prohibit Municipal Regs/Offsite Easements. 04/16/2019
H495-SMSA-99(e3)-v-2 No Municipal Reg/Off-Site Wastewater Systems. 06/18/2019
H495-SMSB-16(e2)-v-3 Prohibit Municipal Regs/Offsite Easements. 06/13/2019
H495-SMSB-25(sl)-v-2 No Municipal Regulation of Off-Site Wastewater Systems. 01/28/2020