Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for SB 313 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
S313-SMBC-91(e1)-v-2 Perf. Guar. to Streamline Afford. Housing. 06/20/2019
S313-SMBC-99(e1)-v-1 Perf. Guar. to Streamline Afford. Housing. 06/24/2019
S313-SMBH-109(sl)-v-3 Perf. Guar. to Streamline Afford. Housing. 01/29/2020
S313-SMBH-57(e1)-v-1 Perf. Guar. to Streamline Afford. Housing. 05/01/2019
S313-SMBH-84(e1)-v-2 Perf. Guar. to Streamline Afford. Housing. 06/25/2019