Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for SB 562 - 2019-2020 Session

2019-2020 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
S562-SMSA-114(CSSAf-56)-v-2 The Second Chance Act. 07/10/2019
S562-SMSA-137(CSSA-70)-v-2 The Second Chance Act. 06/09/2020
S562-SMSA-146(sl)-v-3 The Second Chance Act. 11/12/2020
S562-SMTT-29(ATT-16)-v-2 DB and AOC. 05/01/2019
S562-SMTT-30(CSTT-31)-v-1 The Second Chance Act. 05/01/2019
S562-SMTT-36(e2)-v-3 The Second Chance Act. 05/07/2019