Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 125 - 2023-2024 Session

2023-2024 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
H125-SMCK-13(e2)-v-2 Safe Surrender Infants. 03/07/2023
H125-SMCK-93(e3)-v-8 NC Health & Human Services Workforce Act. 06/16/2023
H125-SMSA-8(CSCK-4)-v-2 Safe Surrender Infants. 03/01/2023
H125-SMSH-74(sl)-v-18 North Carolina Health and Human Services Workforce Act. 02/14/2024
H125-SMSV-108(e4)-v-2 NC Health & Human Services Workforce Act. 06/21/2023
H125-SMSV-114(e4)-v-1 NC Health & Human Services Workforce Act. 06/21/2023
H125-SMTG-66(e3)-v-8 NC Health & Human Services Workforce Act. 06/20/2023