Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for HB 259 - 2023-2024 Session
2023-2024 Session
Showing 1 to 50 of 293 summaries
Summary | SortKey | Description | Last Updated |
H259-SMBA-79(sl)-v-5 | 000029 .000001 | Sec. 29.1: Reporting Requirements | 01/03/2024 |
H259-SMBA-80(sl)-v-4 | 000029 .000002 | Sec. 29.2: Housing Finance Agency - Increase Project Caps for Workforce Housing Loan Program | 02/07/2024 |
H259-SMBA-81(sl)-v-5 | 000034 .000003 | Sec. 34.3: Department of Revenue Administrative Costs for Collecting Prepaid Wireless Telecommunications Service Charges | 02/07/2024 |
H259-SMBA-82(sl)-v-8 | 000011 .000018 | Sec. 11.18: Sports Wagering Technical Corrections | 01/03/2024 |
H259-SMBA-83(sl)-v-4 | 000029 .000003 | Sec. 29.3: Housing Finance Agency - Workforce Housing Loan Program | 02/07/2024 |
H259-SMBB-20(sl)-v-7 | 000011 .000009 | Sec. 11.9: NCInnovation | 12/19/2024 |
H259-SMBB-21(sl)-v-3 | 000038 .000005 | Sec. 38.5: Cybersecurity Pilot Program | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBB-22(sl)-v-5 | 000016 .000002 | Sec. 16.2: Magistrate-Clerk Staffing Program | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBB-23(sl)-v-6 | 000016 .000014 | Sec. 16.14: Raise Mandatory Retirement Age for Appellate Judges | 02/07/2024 |
H259-SMBB-24(sl)-v-3 | 000016 .000019 | Sec. 16.19: Create New Special Superior Court Judges | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBB-25(sl)-v-3 | 000016 .000033 | Sec. 16.33: Allow Appellate Judges to Carry Concealed Weapons in Certain Instances | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBC-105(sl)-v-9 | 000004 .000010 | Sec. 4.10: Transformational Investments in North Carolina Health | 02/08/2024 |
H259-SMBC-118(sl)-v-5 | 000009B.000002 | Sec. 9B.2: Community Health Grant Program | 01/10/2024 |
H259-SMBC-119(sl)-v-4 | 000009B.000003 | Sec. 9B.3: Funds for North Carolina Dental Society Foundation's Missions of Mercy Dental Clinics | 01/10/2024 |
H259-SMBC-120(sl)-v-5 | 000009B.000004 | Sec. 9B.4: Expansion of the North Carolina Loan Repayment Program/Incentives for the Recruitment and Retention of Health Providers in Outpatient Primary Care Settings in Rural, Underserved Areas | 02/08/2024 |
H259-SMBC-121(sl)-v-4 | 000009B.000005 | Sec. 9B.5: Expansion of the Medical Assistant Apprenticeship Initiative Pilot Program | 02/08/2024 |
H259-SMBC-122(sl)-v-2 | 000009B.000006 | Sec. 9B.6: Transfer of Positions to the Department of Public Instruction for the Care and Maintenance of Governor Morehead School for the Blind | 01/10/2024 |
H259-SMBC-123(sl)-v-4 | 000009B.000007A | Sec. 9B.7A: Funds for Telehealth Infrastructure Grant Program | 02/08/2024 |
H259-SMBC-124(sl)-v-2 | 000009F.000001 | Sec. 9F.1: Temporary Certificate of Need Exemption | 01/11/2024 |
H259-SMBC-125(sl)-v-2 | 000009F.000010 | Sec. 9F.10: Division of Health Service Regulation Report | 01/11/2024 |
H259-SMBC-126(sl)-v-2 | 000009F.000011 | Sec. 9F.11: New Rural Emergency Hospital Designation | 01/11/2024 |
H259-SMBC-127(sl)-v-2 | 000009G.000001 | Sec. 9G.1: Single-Stream Funding for Division of Mental Health/Developmental Disabilities/Substance Use Services Community Services | 01/08/2024 |
H259-SMBC-128(sl)-v-2 | 000009J.000002 | Sec. 9J.2: Intensive Family Preservation Services Funding, Performance Enhancements, and Report | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBC-129(sl)-v-2 | 000009J.000003 | Sec. 9J.3: Child Caring Institutions | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBC-130(sl)-v-3 | 000009J.000004 | Sec. 9J.4: Use of Foster Care Budget for Guardian Assistance Program | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBC-131(sl)-v-2 | 000009L.000001 | Sec. 9L.1: Conform Privilege Exemptions for Psychiatrists, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Social Workers, Clinical Mental Health Counselors, and Psychologists | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBC-133(sl)-v-3 | 000039 .000029 | Sec. 39.29: Authorize State Treasurer to Pay Premiums to Purchase Alternative Coverage in Lieu of State Health Plan | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBC-136(sl)-v-3 | 000030 .000010 | Sec. 30.10: Pharmacy Insurance Benefits/Coupon Accumulator | 02/15/2024 |
H259-SMBC-137(sl)-v-3 | 000030 .000009 | Sec. 30.9: Proposal for State-Based Health Benefits Exchange | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBC-139(sl)-v-2 | 000009H.0015(E) | Sec. 9H.15(e): Transition Plan for Shifting State Support of the Child Fatality Prevention System to the State Office of Child Fatality Prevention, Creating and Supporting a Centralized Data and Reporting System, and Restructuring Existing Child Death Review Teams | 01/26/2024 |
H259-SMBE-101(sl)-v-2 | 000006 .000002 | Sec. 6.2: High-Cost Healthcare Workforce Programs Start-Up Funds | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-102(sl)-v-2 | 000006 .000009 | Sec. 6.9: Community College Programs Serving Intellectually and Developmentally Disabled Students | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-103(sl)-v-2 | 000006 .000013 | Sec. 6.13: Authorize the State Board of Community Colleges to Implement an In-State Tuition Pilot Program for Residents of Certain Georgia Counties | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-104(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000005 | Sec. 7.5: Required Training to Count Toward Continuing Education Units | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-105(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000020 | Sec. 7.20: Department of Public Instruction Funding in Arrears | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-106(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000027 | Sec. 7.27: School Health Personnel Allotment | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-107(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000036 | Sec. 7.36: School Safety Grants | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-108(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000043 | Sec. 7.43: Combining of the Education and Workforce Innovation Commission Grant Programs | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-109(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000047 | Sec. 7.47: Revise School Transportation Funds Requirements | 01/04/2024 |
H259-SMBE-110(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000055 | Sec. 7.55: Career and Technical Education Modernization and Expansion | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-111(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000060 | Sec. 7.60: No Administrative Penalty for Unpaid Meal Debt | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-112(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000064 | Sec. 7.64: Prohibition Against "Three-Cueing" | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-114(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000070 | Sec. 7.70: North Carolina Education Corps Reporting | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-115(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000074 | Sec. 7.74: Out-of-State Teacher License Reciprocity | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-116(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000078 | Sec. 7.78: Study Status and Cost of Carbon Monoxide Alarms and Radon Testing in Schools | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-117(sl)-v-2 | 000007 .000083 | Sec. 7.83: Clarify Minimum Service Requirements for Paid Parental Leave | 01/05/2024 |
H259-SMBE-118(sl)-v-2 | 000008 .000003 | Sec. 8.3: Completion Assistance Programs | 01/08/2024 |
H259-SMBE-119(sl)-v-2 | 000008 .000009 | Sec. 8.9: Career and Technical Education Grants for Agriculture | 01/08/2024 |
H259-SMBE-120(sl)-v-2 | 000008 .000014 | Sec. 8.14: University of North Carolina System Faculty Realignment Incentive Program | 01/08/2024 |
H259-SMBE-121(sl)-v-2 | 000008A.000001 | Sec. 8A.1: Washington Center Internship Scholarship Program | 01/08/2024 |