Bill Summaries and Explanatory Memos for SB 41 - 2023-2024 Session

2023-2024 Session

Summary SortKey Description Last Updated
S41-SMCE-1(e1)-v-3 Protect Religious Meeting Places. 02/14/2023
S41-SMCE-24(rat)-v-2 Guarantee 2nd Amend Freedom and Protections. 03/28/2023
S41-SMCE-6(e2)-v-3 Guarantee 2nd Amend Freedom and Protections. 02/16/2023
S41-SMCE-82(sl)-v-5 Guarantee 2nd Amendment Freedom and Protections. 02/14/2024
S41-SMCJ-8(e2)-v-4 Guarantee 2nd Amend Freedom and Protections. 03/14/2023
S41-SMCJ-9(e2)-v-2 Guarantee 2nd Amend Freedom and Protections. 03/15/2023