House: Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House -- UPDATED
H16: General Assembly: In God We Trust - Display.
H23: Allow Stanly Comm. Coll. Culinary off Campus.
H87: Cell Phone-Free Education.
H123: Criminal Falsification of Medical Records.
H134: Prohibit Misbranding of Certain Food Products.
H162: Local Gov't Applicants/Criminal History Check.
H236: Remember 9/11 with Freedom Flag.
H240: Davidson Charter Consolidation.
H247: 8-1-1 Amendments.
H268: 2025 UNC Self-Liquidating Capital Projects.
H275: Failure to Yield Penalties.
H279: Filling Vacancies/Haywood County Bd. of Comm.
H294: Jackson Co Bd of Ed Election Partisan.
H302: Pitt Co. Bd. of Ed. Elect. Partisan.
H308: Criminal Law Changes.
H315: Gift Card Theft & Unlawful Business Entry.
H330: Controlled Substances Act - Updates.
This meeting has concluded.
This meeting has concluded.