Showing 1 to 50 of 118 bill actions
Bill | BillSort1 | BillSort2 | Short Title | Sponsor | Action Date | Action Description | ActionSort |
HB 16 | H | 16 | General Assembly: In God We Trust - Display. | Moss | 03/26/2025 | Regular Message Sent To Senate | 136 |
HB 23 | H | 23 | Allow Stanly Comm. Coll. Culinary off Campus. | Huneycutt | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 121 |
HB 23 | H | 23 | Allow Stanly Comm. Coll. Culinary off Campus. | Huneycutt | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 131 |
HB 50 (= SB 320) | H | 50 | LEO Special Separation Allowance Options. | Pyrtle | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 70 |
HB 50 (= SB 320) | H | 50 | LEO Special Separation Allowance Options. | Pyrtle | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 75 |
HB 58 | H | 58 | Various Local Elections. | Winslow | 03/26/2025 | Concurred In S Com Sub | 312 |
HB 58 | H | 58 | Various Local Elections. | Winslow | 03/26/2025 | Ordered Enrolled | 322 |
HB 87 | H | 87 | Cell Phone-Free Education. | N. Jackson | 03/26/2025 | Regular Message Sent To Senate | 136 |
HB 97 (= SB 97) | H | 97 | Support Firefighters Fighting Cancer. | Scott | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 70 |
HB 97 (= SB 97) | H | 97 | Support Firefighters Fighting Cancer. | Scott | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations | 75 |
HB 126 (= SB 59) | H | 126 | Revise Voluntary Ag. District Laws. | Dixon | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 40 |
HB 126 (= SB 59) | H | 126 | Revise Voluntary Ag. District Laws. | Dixon | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Housing and Development | 45 |
HB 134 | H | 134 | Prohibit Misbranding of Certain Food Products. | Dixon | 03/26/2025 | Regular Message Sent To Senate | 131 |
HB 162 | H | 162 | Local Gov't Applicants/Criminal History Check. | Loftis | 03/26/2025 | Regular Message Sent To Senate | 116 |
HB 187 | H | 187 | Credit Union Update. | Howard | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 81 |
HB 187 | H | 187 | Credit Union Update. | Howard | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 91 |
HB 211 | H | 211 | The Kelsey Smith Act. | Ward | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 40 |
HB 211 | H | 211 | The Kelsey Smith Act. | Ward | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Judiciary 2 | 45 |
HB 213 | H | 213 | Post NC Veterans' Benefits. | Goodwin | 03/26/2025 | Withdrawn From Com | 70 |
HB 213 | H | 213 | Post NC Veterans' Benefits. | Goodwin | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 80 |
HB 236 | H | 236 | Remember 9/11 with Freedom Flag. | Moss | 03/26/2025 | Regular Message Sent To Senate | 101 |
HB 240 | H | 240 | Davidson Charter Consolidation. | Carver | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 91 |
HB 247 | H | 247 | 8-1-1 Amendments. | Zenger | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 121 |
HB 247 | H | 247 | 8-1-1 Amendments. | Zenger | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 131 |
HB 251 | H | 251 | Disaster Response Funding/Nondiscrimination. | Hastings | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 55 |
HB 251 | H | 251 | Disaster Response Funding/Nondiscrimination. | Hastings | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 60 |
HB 268 | H | 268 | 2025 UNC Self-Liquidating Capital Projects. | Hastings | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 81 |
HB 268 | H | 268 | 2025 UNC Self-Liquidating Capital Projects. | Hastings | 03/26/2025 | Withdrawn From Cal | 91 |
HB 268 | H | 268 | 2025 UNC Self-Liquidating Capital Projects. | Hastings | 03/26/2025 | Placed On Cal For 04/01/2025 | 101 |
HB 272 (= SB 302) | H | 272 | The Sergeant Mickey Hutchens Act. | Zenger | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav Com Substitute | 40 |
HB 272 (= SB 302) | H | 272 | The Sergeant Mickey Hutchens Act. | Zenger | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On State and Local Government | 45 |
HB 275 | H | 275 | Failure to Yield Penalties. | Cairns | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 81 |
HB 275 | H | 275 | Failure to Yield Penalties. | Cairns | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 91 |
HB 294 | H | 294 | Jackson Co Bd of Ed Election Partisan. | Clampitt | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 81 |
HB 294 | H | 294 | Jackson Co Bd of Ed Election Partisan. | Clampitt | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 91 |
HB 295 | H | 295 | Req. DOT to Install Prop. Corner Markers. | Gillespie | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 40 |
HB 295 | H | 295 | Req. DOT to Install Prop. Corner Markers. | Gillespie | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 45 |
HB 302 | H | 302 | Pitt Co. Bd. of Ed. Elect. Partisan. | Reeder | 03/26/2025 | Withdrawn From Cal | 81 |
HB 302 | H | 302 | Pitt Co. Bd. of Ed. Elect. Partisan. | Reeder | 03/26/2025 | Placed On Cal For 04/01/2025 | 91 |
HB 315 | H | 315 | Gift Card Theft & Unlawful Business Entry. | Pyrtle | 03/26/2025 | Passed 2nd Reading | 81 |
HB 315 | H | 315 | Gift Card Theft & Unlawful Business Entry. | Pyrtle | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | 91 |
HB 330 (= SB 444) | H | 330 | Controlled Substances Act - Updates. | Huneycutt | 03/26/2025 | Regular Message Sent To Senate | 101 |
HB 355 | H | 355 | OSFM to Study Future of Rural Firefighting. | Pyrtle | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav Com Substitute | 40 |
HB 355 | H | 355 | OSFM to Study Future of Rural Firefighting. | Pyrtle | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 45 |
HB 394 | H | 394 | Distracted Driving/Children and Animals. | Iler | 03/26/2025 | Reptd Fav | 40 |
HB 394 | H | 394 | Distracted Driving/Children and Animals. | Iler | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Judiciary 1 | 45 |
HB 440 | H | 440 | Healthy Food Healthy Bodies. | Winslow | 03/26/2025 | Withdrawn From Com | 40 |
HB 440 | H | 440 | Healthy Food Healthy Bodies. | Winslow | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Regulatory Reform, if favorable, Health, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 50 |
HB 497 | H | 497 | Ban on Gay & Trans Panic Defense. | Dahle | 03/26/2025 | Passed 1st Reading | 20 |
HB 497 | H | 497 | Ban on Gay & Trans Panic Defense. | Dahle | 03/26/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | 30 |