Representative Amos L. Quick, III (Dem)
Introduced Bills
Bill | BillSort1 | BillSort2 | Short Title | Action Type | Action Date | Action Description | Primary Sponsor | First Primary |
HB 13 | H | 13 | Charges for Payments by Credit or Debit Card. | House | 02/12/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 20 (= SB 638) | H | 20 | Fair Maps Act. | House | 01/30/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 21 | H | 21 | Drivers License Designation/Autism. | Senate | 03/19/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate | No | No |
HB 31 | H | 31 | Make Election Day A State Holiday. | House | 02/24/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Election Law, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 35 | H | 35 | Establish Military Appreciation Month. | Senate | 03/19/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate | No | No |
HB 36 | H | 36 | Maintenance of State Veterans Cemeteries. | House | 02/04/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 39 | H | 39 | Disabled Veteran Motor Vehicle Tax Exclusion. | House | 02/05/2025 | Ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 43 | H | 43 | Designate State Balloon Rally. | Senate | 03/12/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate | No | No |
HB 60 | H | 60 | Modernize Medicaid Dental Rates. | House | 02/06/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 65 | H | 65 | Sigma Gamma Rho Special Registration Plate. | House | 02/06/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 77 (= SB 597) | H | 77 | Environmental Justice. | House | 02/11/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 79 | H | 79 | North Carolina Work and Save. | House | 03/06/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Insurance, if favorable, Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 90 | H | 90 | State & Local Gov't Retirees COLA. | House | 02/11/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 93 | H | 93 | Constitutional Amendment/Repeal Literacy Test. | House | 02/12/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 94 | H | 94 | Dis. Veteran Homestead Excl. Prequalification. | House | 03/18/2025 | Re-ref Com On Finance | No | No |
HB 97 (= SB 97) | H | 97 | Support Firefighters Fighting Cancer. | House | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations | No | No |
HB 103 | H | 103 | NC Am. Indian Hunting/Fishing Rights. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 106 | H | 106 | Revive High-Need Retired Teachers Program. | House | 02/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Education - K-12, if favorable, Pensions and Retirement, if favorable, Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 107 | H | 107 | Adopt SUDEP Awareness Week. | House | 02/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Education - K-12, if favorable, Health, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 110 | H | 110 | Nat.l Guard Student Loan Repayment Program. | House | 02/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 115 | H | 115 | Child Care Facility Tax Exemption. | House | 02/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Finance, if favorable, Health, if favorable, Education - K-12, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 120 | H | 120 | Expand Project C.A.R.E./Funds. | House | 02/25/2025 | Re-ref Com On Appropriations | No | No |
HB 121 | H | 121 | SchCalFlex/Statewide/Open Cal. | House | 02/24/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Education - K-12, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 128 | H | 128 | Establish Prostate Cancer Control Program. | House | 02/17/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 129 (= SB 107) | H | 129 | Judge Joe John Nonpartisan Jud. Elections Act. | House | 02/18/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 145 | H | 145 | Funds for Diabetes Research Institute/UNC-CH. | House | 02/21/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 146 | H | 146 | Remote License Renewal/Active Duty Military. | House | 02/21/2025 | Ref to the Com on Transportation, if favorable, Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HJR 157 | H | 157 | State of the State Invitation. | Enrolling | 02/27/2025 | Ch. Res 2025-2 | No | No |
HB 160 | H | 160 | Joel H. Crisp SUDEP Awareness Law. | House | 03/04/2025 | Re-ref Com On Higher Education | No | No |
HB 168 (= SB 154) | H | 168 | North Carolina CROWN Act. | House | 02/24/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 177 | H | 177 | Reduce Barriers to State Employment. | House | 02/25/2025 | Ref to the Com on Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 181 | H | 181 | Tax Relief for Working Families Act. | House | 02/25/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 182 | H | 182 | Rev. Law Perm. Protect Order/Child Abuse. | Senate | 03/17/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate | No | No |
HB 192 | H | 192 | Raise Teacher Pay & Dollar Allot. Study. | House | 02/26/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 196 | H | 196 | Funds Museum of Life and Science Exhibit/Lab. | House | 02/26/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 197 | H | 197 | Local Communicable Disease Programs/Funds. | House | 02/26/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 199 | H | 199 | Nonconsensual Booting and Towing Reform. | House | 03/19/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Judiciary 2, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 210 | H | 210 | Perpetual Care of Certain Cemeteries. | House | 02/27/2025 | Ref to the Com on Regulatory Reform, if favorable, State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 241 | H | 241 | Funds for Person County Projects. | House | 03/03/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 242 | H | 242 | Add Psychiatric Hospitals to Medicaid HASP. | House | 03/11/2025 | Re-ref Com On Finance | No | No |
HB 245 | H | 245 | Affordable Housing in Rural Areas. | House | 03/03/2025 | Ref to the Com on Housing and Development, if favorable, Judiciary 1, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 250 | H | 250 | Waive Annual Report/Fee For Deployed Military. | House | 03/25/2025 | Re-ref Com On Finance | No | No |
HB 254 | H | 254 | Adopt Tuskegee Airmen Day. | House | 03/03/2025 | Ref to the Com on Homeland Security and Military and Veterans Affairs, if favorable, State and Local Government, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 256 | H | 256 | Allow Public Employee Collective Bargaining. | House | 03/03/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 257 | H | 257 | Funds for Scotland & Hoke Projects. | House | 03/04/2025 | Ref to the Com on Appropriations, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 262 | H | 262 | Designate Chief R. Malloy Overpass. | House | 03/04/2025 | Ref to the Com on Transportation, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 267 | H | 267 | Expunging Certain Eviction Records. | House | 03/05/2025 | Ref To Com On Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 269 | H | 269 | Workforce Freedom and Protection Act. | House | 03/05/2025 | Ref to the Com on Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Judiciary 2, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House | No | No |
HB 272 (= SB 302) | H | 272 | The Sergeant Mickey Hutchens Act. | House | 03/26/2025 | Re-ref Com On State and Local Government | No | No |
HB 275 | H | 275 | Failure to Yield Penalties. | House | 03/26/2025 | Passed 3rd Reading | No | No |