House Standing Committee
Upcoming Meeting:
Meeting Schedule:
Every Tuesday at 11:00 AM in 643 LOB

Senior Chair
Vice Chairs
Pursuant to House Rules 26(d) and 26(e), the Chair of the Committee on Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House, the Speaker Pro Tempore, the Majority Leader, and the Deputy Majority Leader are ex officio members of each standing committee and permanent subcommittee with the right to vote. The previous sentence does not apply to the Standing Committee on Ethics. For the purposes of determining a quorum, when serving only as ex officio members, these members shall be counted among the membership of the committee or subcommittee only when present.
Bill | Short Title | Sponsor | Action Date | Action Description |
HB 89 | University Vaccination Freedom Act. | Gable | 02/11/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Higher Education, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 99 | Reflexologists Right to Work Act. | Riddell | 02/12/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Regulatory Reform, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 122 | North Carolina Healing Arts Act. | Warren | 02/17/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Regulatory Reform, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 152 | Access to Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. | Huneycutt | 02/21/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Insurance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 163 | Pharmacy Benefits Manager Provisions. | Rhyne | 02/24/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Regulatory Reform, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 237 | Child Welfare. | Stevens | 03/18/2025 | Re-ref Com On Health |
HB 380 | Conscientious Objections to Vaccine Mandates. | Almond | 03/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Judiciary 2, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 389 | Child Care Workforce Pilot Program/Funds. | Arp | 03/20/2025 | Re-ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 390 | Alleviate the Dangers of Surgical Smoke. | Cunningham | 03/13/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 399 (= SB 286) | NC Board of Nursing Licensure Fees. | White | 03/17/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 412 | Child Care Regulatory Reforms. | Arp | 03/20/2025 | Serial Referral To Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House Added |
HB 434 | The CARE FIRST Act. | Bell | 03/19/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Insurance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 471 | Food Labeling Transparency Act. | Gillespie | 03/24/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Commerce and Economic Development, if favorable, Agriculture and Environment, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 480 (= SB 396) | Medical Board Licensing Efficiency Act. | Campbell | 03/25/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 485 | Adult Care Home Medicaid PCS Coverage. | Sauls | 03/25/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Judiciary 1, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 489 | Insurance Coverage Emergency Ambulance Trans. | Loftis | 03/25/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Insurance, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 491 (= SB 403) | Medicaid Work Requirements. | Lambeth | 03/25/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 512 | Emer. Care/Animals/Vet. Practice. | Gillespie | 03/26/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Judiciary 1, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |
HB 514 (= SB 537) | APRN Definitions. | White | 03/26/2025 | Ref to the Com on Health, if favorable, Judiciary 1, if favorable, Finance, if favorable, Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House |